My 2019 New Year's Resolutions

Since I missed New Years due to my social media break, it seems only right that my second blog back should be about my New Year’s resolutions. So with that, allow me to share what I have decided to do in 2019.

Like most people I make resolutions each year, and like the majority of people, by February, I have failed miserably and have gone back to my old ways. Its happened way too many times for me to be comfortable with. I have always said I’m not a quitter but my track record with these resolutions would say otherwise. 

Our theme for the year at my church is “change” and I find that appropriate for my resolutions this year. I want to see change all through my life, in all aspects of my life.

So here we go.

  1. I want to grow closer than ever to the Lord. To make that happen, I have revived my devotional life and have, by the grace of God, not missed a day in His word. As a result of that, I find myself seeing things in a different perspective. My prayer life is growing as I find more time to be on my knees in worship. 
  2. I want to spend more time with my family. With my rolled back return to social media, I have the opportunity to spend and grow closer to my family. My girls are growing up too fast and I feel like I have been missing out. I don’t want to feel that way anymore. I don’t want to be the father who was too busy for them. I find myself enjoying time with them in their interests. I’m playing on the floor in the playroom with Averie, discussing the life of Steve Irwin and love for wildlife with Kailynn. Then there is my wife. I know I don’t get to spend near enough time with my beautiful wife. Not that we don’t get to see each other, we do, but it’s usually a rushed meeting while getting ready for work or getting the kids in bed. By the time all is said and done where we can spend time together, we are both exhausted and wanting to go to bed. We have been through a lot together through the years and as we celebrate our 13th wedding anniversary this year, i do want to see us grow closer than ever.
  3. Lose weight. Yes the quintessential resolution has made my list. I’m not going to lie, I have gained weight lately and am currently the heaviest I have ever been. I want that to change. Shannon and I both are on Weight Watchers again and I’m bound and determined to see it work. I’m walking on my break and lunch every day. Overall, its a little less than 3 miles if I get all my laps in. I’m going to be honest with you, I’m currently 244 pounds. I want to see at least 44 of it take a hike.
  4. I want to write more. So don’t be surprised when you see blogs on a variety of different subjects popping up here frequently.
  5. I want to spend more time connecting with my friends and family, and not through social media. I want have more conversations with everyone, let them know they are cared for and loved. I want to get to know them all better than I do now. 

These are my resolutions. Hopefully by posting them here, we can make things become a reality.

Well, at the time I writing this, its late and I’m tired. Catch ya’ll on the flip side!

Until then….
Live Long and Prosper,
May the Force be with you,

Most importantly, may God richly bless you!


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