Star Wars Resistance

Happy Star Wars Resistance Sunday!

Yes, tonight the newest episode of Star Wars Resistance airs, "The First Order Occupation"! Because of that, I felt it was a good time for another blog discussing this show.

As you may, or may not be aware, I co-host Resistance Reactions, which is a part of the Coffee With Kenobi family of podcasts, in which we review each episode of Star Wars Resistance as they air. This is just like we did for Star Wars Rebels on Rebels Reactions.

For those of you not familiar with Star Wars Resistance, it is an animated show which airs on the Disney Channel on Sundays at 10:00 PM. It takes place approxamately 6 months prior to the events of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. It follows the story of a young New Republic pilot named Kazuda Xiono (voiced by Christopher Sean) who joins the Resistance as a spy. His assignment has him joining team Fireball as a mechanic on the Colossus, a floating platform on the water planet Castellon, trying to find out who there is assisting the First Order. Racing is a huge part of the life on the Colossus and does play part in the story.

Thats the main idea of Star Wars Resistance in a nutshell. Sounds like fun, right? Unfortunately, the show has not been given a fair shot by a portion of Star Wars fans out there. There are a number of reasons why too: "I don't like the animation", "Its not Rebels", "Its not The Clone Wars", "There aren't any Jedi", "I hate The Last Jedi".

Now let me clarify, I respect EVERYONE's opinion. I respect everyone's right to not like this show or any part of fandom.

If that being said, if you are not watching Star Wars Resistance, and you not watching because of the reasons above WITHOUT watching a single episode of the show, you have no leg to stand on. I'm sorry, if you haven't watched it, then you don't know what you are missing!

I'll be the first to admit it was a little slow at the beginning. It was a new era of very little about so there was a lot of ground work to be laid out and they did that very well. What has impressed me about this series is how each episode gets better and better. We aren't only seeing racing or spying happening but we have seen some subtle but tremendous growth in the characters of this show. For example, we have seen Kaz (short for Kazuda) a bumbling kid who was full of himself because of his mission to an experienced, respectful member of team Fireball. Another example is Tam Ryvora (voiced by Suzie McGrath). Tam at first distrusted, disliked and despised Kaz. Through the episodes, she has grown to respect him and they have a very sibling like relationship now.

BB-8, Tam, Kaz, and Neeku on Star Wars Resistance

The show doesn't lack its star power either. Oscar Isaac and Gwendoline Christie both reprise their roles from the movies as Poe Dameron and Captain Phasma respectively. Its been fun having them jumping in and out of the series. I do have to point out too that Phasma has had more on-screen time in Star Wars Resistance than she did in both The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi combined.

There is more I could go on about but I'll save it for another time. All I ask is that you give this show a chance. You will never know if you truly don't like it if you don't give it an opportunity. If you give it a fair shake, you won't be disappointed.

If you do decide to watch some of the show, let me know what you think! I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Until then....

Live long and prosper,
May the Force be with you,
and most importantly,
May God richly bless you!


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