Star Wars Weekends 2014 is coming!!!

Its the most wonderful time of the year!
Mickey Mouse is a Jedi,
Stitch is a Sith Lord,
and long lines at Star Tours,
Oh is the most wonderful time of year!!!

Thats right folks, Star Wars Weekends (SWW) is back for 2014! Back with a vengeance. This year, Disney has extended SWW from the traditional 4 weekends to 5 weeks this year as Disney and Lucasfilm are ramping up the promotional pace as the premiere of Star Wars Rebels approaches!

Here are the dates:
     Weekend I:     May 16 - 18, 2014
     Weekend II:   May 23 - 25, 2014
     Weekend III:  May 30 - June 1, 2014
     Weekend IV:  June 6 - 8, 2014
     Weekend V:   June 13 - 15, 2014

I can't tell you how excited I was to hear this news! I thought I was tired after just 4 weekends this past 2 years I have been attending, this is going to be nuts! Plus, to top it off, Disney has announced the next 24 hour event at the Magic Kingdom for May 23, the first day of week 2!!! Absolute pandemonium to come at Disney that weekend!!!

The theme this year, if you can't tell by the official poster above, is Star Wars Rebels and the announced merchandise ties right in! From exclusive pins, to posters, to plush friends, to toys, to clothes, to AHHHHH!!!!!!! DISNEY IS GETTING ALOT OF MY MONEY!!!!! A lot of things have not been announced as of yet, but here is the sampling that Disney released, and you can see why I have started saving.

Now a lot of the attraction of Star Wars Weekends are the guests. As of right now, the only confirmed guest is the host, the man who help remind me what Star Wars was all about and rekindled the fandom after meeting him, the great James Arnold Taylor!

As more guests are being announced, I will post the list. With the upcoming premiere of Rebels, and the push Disney and Lucasfilm are giving the show, I expect some guests from the new show, as well as Clone Wars, and the feature films. Last year, we even were graced by the presence of the ultimate collector, Steve Sansweet. So you never know who will show up!

If you make it out there this year, keep an eye out for me! I'll be out there every weekend, covering the Weekends for Coffee With Kenobi podcast. A lot of fun is to come, so keep a look out and if you haven't listened yet, check out Dan and Cory on Coffee With Kenobi. They recently had a great interview with James Arnold Taylor. 

Check it out and I'll see you at Hollywood Studios!!!

Live long and prosper,

May the Force be with you,

And my God bless you all richly!!!


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