My MegaCon 2014 Experience

So at the last minute, at the behest of my friend Robbie and his brother Angelo, I headed out Saturday morning for to the Orange County Convention Center to attend Megacon 2014. The announcement of my trip to Megacon scored more likes on Facebook than I expected and to be perfectly honest, I had no clue what to expect. Sure, I have been to several conventions....through my church...and they were nothing like this. So this was my first official con. Robbie and Angelo had attended several over the years, from Megacon to multiple Star Wars Celebrations. I had heard stories of conventions past, but to experience the excitement, craziness and pure fandom at a convention is unparalleled. Besides Robbie and Angelo, I knew no one.

So Robbie picked me up early Saturday morning and off we went to Orlando. Angelo, being an active member in the Rebel Legion, was already over at the convention center attending to booth the Legion had set up. We arrived, thinking the convention started at 9 A.M. and the lines were backed out the doors already. Then we discovered the convention floor didn't open until 10 A.M.  While in line, we got to see we found this guy who looked quite familiar.

Robbie with General Grievous

We entered the ticketing area where they had some concessions as well as some displays by Microsoft where you could play on the new Xbox, an area where you could sign up to get your picture taken with some of the celebrity guests, location to donate blood, as well as an area where you could pay to get your picture taken with some of sci-fi's most memorable items: the Tardis from Doctor Who, the Time Machine, and my personal favorite the Delorean from Back To The Future.

So take me away! I don't mind! But you better promise me, I'll be back in time!!!

Once the floor opened the place became electrified! So much excitement as people poured through aisle after aisle after aisle of what makes geeks come to life! Art, books, comics, collectibles, toys, t-shirts, autographs; and all from all aspects of fandom: Dr Who, Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, Firefly, DC comics, Marvel, even Disney fans had a blast. I could have easily emptied my bank account just within the first 10 minutes of walking through the door.

The Rebel Legion had an incredible booth this year as well. My compliments to the Ra Kura Base on such a great presentation. You can see some pics of the booth below.

My friend and Legion member Angelo
Someone has to finish the protocol droid.
If this lil guy wouldn't have blown a motivator, A New Hope would have played out differently.
Let the Wookie win!
My favorite astromech!
Drum roll please...where are the Ewoks when we need them?

Captain Rex armor sample.

Galactic Academy 

The Mando Mercs also did a great job on their both.  My personal favorite photo op was of course the  Black Series box.

So cool!
Those Mando Mercs are quicker than I thought, they caught me!

And who can forget the 501st Legion, Vader's Fist!

Move along!

Dan Zehr, Ed Dolista, this one is for you! Is it a dream?
Got to love the Fett!
Awesome Emperor!

The best part of the day was sitting at lunch though and people watching. So many costumes. So many genres.

Where's Waldo?
Balloon Man!

Can we say crowded???

Sea of geeks!!!

Hello Wonder Woman!
Lord of the Rings...I think.

Anna and Elsa from Disney's Frozen

So when it was all said and done, I escaped Megacon spending money just on food, to the joy of my wife. But the experience was incredible. For the one day, everyone seemed connected in some way because of our randoms, even if they were for different genres, shows, or movies. I can say this will be the first of many cons I'll have to take part in. Lots of fun, can't wait until next time.

But until then

Live Long and Prosper

May the Force be with you,

And may God bless you richly every day.


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