The Inquisitor

The Inquisitor.

The name in and of itself doesn't mean much, unless you know the history of the Spanish Inquisition or in this case are anxiously waiting for the 2014 premiere of Star Wars Rebels!

I, of course, and referring the the later.

If you aren't aware, back in October during the New York Comic Con, the villain of the up coming Star Wars Rebels TV show was revealed by Rebels executive produce Dave Filoni and Lucasfilm's Pablo Hidalgo. There was an introduction video which you can find on YouTube or, but here is the photo released after the announcement:

Described as an agent of the Empire charged by Darth Vader to hunt down the remaining Jedi who survived Order 66, it was not made clear whether or not the Inquisitor was a Sith or just a lightsaber wielding soldier. We can speculate to what we can expect him to be like, but until the show airs, we are left to speculate.

Since the Inquisitor's reveal, nothing has really been announced about characters in Rebels. There have been some scenery stills released, some mock up Imperial recruitment posters as well, but nothing that tells us about the heroes or even more about the Inquisitor. So again, we are still left to speculate.

Now with Rebels scheduled to premiere in the Fall of 2014. Before then though, we have the upcoming Star Wars Weekends at Hollywood Studios. There, I hope, we will get some announcements about characters, hopefully have some of the voice talents available for autographs and meetings with fans, but my biggest wish is a trailer. A taste of the show. Still a few months away, so all we can to do until announcements are made is again speculate and wish.

But today we were given something to look forward too. announced and previewed the Inquisitor action figure.

According the release it will be apart of the Rebels Saga Legends line in the fall of 2014. So it will coincide with the premiere of the show. Its to have 5 points of articulation, so it will match the articulation of the current Saga Legends line and the original Kenner figures. 

Quite stunning if I don't say so myself.

So if you are looking for something to get me next fall...... here ya go! I'll be looking forward to the hunting the shelves for new figures. 

Until then though,

Live long and prosper,

May the Force be with you,

and God bless you all!


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