My Geek Christmas present.....

So I hope you all had a great Christmas. I most definitely did.  Great time with family celebrating on Christmas day with my in-laws as well as today with my family, including my sister and her family in from Arkansas.

So the big question I see going around Facebook and Twitter is what did you get for Christmas that celebrated what ever fandom the post was from. Though I got a lot of clothes, and am rocking a new iPad mini, I did get this:

Yes, its true. I was given the Black Series Boba Fett 6 inch by my sister in law. Love it! I'm fighting all temptation and its taking all my self restraint to not open the greatest bounty hunter ever. Very impress with the detail I can see through the package. 

Then I got this....

A new sign declaring my space in the house. Quite nice actually. From my friend Robbie who was the one who invited me to join him at Star Wars Weekends 2012 and is responsible for jump starting my dormant fandom. Love the Star Wars lettering.

Thats it. Geek wise a quiet Christmas to date. We are rapidly approaching 2014 and so much more to come!  

Have a safe and happy New Year!

Live Long and Prosper,

May the Force be with you,

And God bless!!!


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