Star Wars Resistance: My Final Thoughts

Today marks the end of Star Wars Resistance . I have been covering this show on Resistance Reactions since it was announced so I have a unique perspective on the show. I know there has been some negative reaction to the show in its two seasons. Some arguments I can understand, others I cannot. Some say its too childish and nothing like The Clone Wars or Rebels . To them I say, you are correct. It was said before it was released they are targeting kids for this show. Going in with the mindset that you are about to watch something in the realm of The Clone Wars or Rebels then yes, you will be disappointed. There are even some who dislike the show so much just because it has connections to the sequel trilogy and never gave the show a chance. Personally, I feel those people have missed out on something awesome and if they ever sit down at watch the show will realize what they missed. If you go into the show knowing you are watching a kids show, you will enjoy it. Star Wars Res...