Sometimes You Just Need To Go Where No One Has Gone Before

So I'm sorry y'all. Just a week into the new year and I already broke my writing goal for 2020. I said I would be writing once a week but I didn't realize how quickly time can get away from someone. I will try to do better.

So as you probably know, I'm a Star Wars fan and today has been quite the day for fans of the Saga. Lucasfilm released a trailer the for the final season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars along with the official release date (February 21, 2020) plus the preview of the series finale of Star Wars Resistance. Getting one is awesome getting both was incredible! It made for an awesome day.

With all this Star Wars awesomeness occurring, you would think I would set back and rewatch some of The Clone Wars, or even one of the movies, but I'm not. I also saw today a tweet by Kate Mulgrew. For those of you who don't know, she played Captain Katherine Janeway on Star Trek Voyager. The tweet contained a short video where she had pulled out her Starfleet uniform, boots, and had them laying on a Star Trek Voyager chair. She was celebrating the 25th anniversary of series. Seeing that few second clip left me watching Star Trek instead. Not Voyager through, but Deep Space Nine.

I will admit, I was not a fan of Star Trek Deep Space Nine when it started. (For those of you who don't know, DS9 in a nutshell is the story of a Starfleet and Bajoran crew who manage a Cardassian space station protecting a wormhole near the planet of Bajor.) Matter of fact, I had only seen an episode of DS9 here and there of it until 2 years ago when I binged it on Netflix. When it originally was released in the 90s, I watched the first few episodes and I didn't enjoy it back then. I was huge fan of Star Trek The Next Generation and I just couldn't get into DS9. I only watched the first 5 or 6 episodes when it was released and they didn't really do anything for me. It felt limited by the confines of the space station compared to TNG and Voyager which both took place on board starships exploring the galaxy. After forcing myself to sit down and watch the series as a whole, I found it a lot better than I thought. Maybe its cause I'm so much older than I was when it was airing originally. I will admit, it wasn't until they got their starship, the Defiant, that it got even better. I have to say thank you to Rob Wainfur of The Bearded Trio and Geek Universal. If he hadn't posted how much enjoyed the show, I wouldn't have given it a second chance.

Any who, enough rambling about Star Trek. Hope everyone is having a good week!

Live long and prosper,

May the Force be with you,

and may God bless you ever so richly!


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