Star Wars Resistance: My Final Thoughts

Today marks the end of Star Wars Resistance. I have been covering this show on Resistance Reactions since it was announced so I have a unique perspective on the show.  I know there has been some negative reaction to the show in its two seasons. Some arguments I can understand, others I cannot. Some say its too childish and nothing like The Clone Wars or Rebels. To them I say, you are correct. It was said before it was released they are targeting kids for this show. Going in with the mindset that you are about to watch something in the realm of The Clone Wars or Rebels then yes, you will be disappointed. There are even some who dislike the show so much just because it has connections to the sequel trilogy and never gave the show a chance. Personally, I feel those people have missed out on something awesome and if they ever sit down at watch the show will realize what they missed. If you go into the show knowing you are watching a kids show, you will enjoy it.

Star Wars Resistance premiered October 7th, 2018. It tells the story of a New Republic X-Wing pilot turned Resistance spy Kazuda Xiono, Kaz for short. He is sent by General Leia Organa to Colossus, a refueling station on the planet Castilon. Here he meets up with the rest of what becomes known as Team Fireball: Yeager, Tam, Neeku, and Bucket. I am not going to sit here and type out a spoiler for each episode or even spoil the series overall. I personally feel you should take the time and watch the two seasons of the show. I know what you are saying, "of course you say that, Aaron, you are promoting the show." To that I respond, wrong. I think you should watch it cause the story is that good. I'm not going to lie to you, the first season does get off to a slow start but finds its footing and sprints to the finish. Season two starts off with a bang, then had a couple of episodes I personally feel they could have done with out, but then exploded out the gate to a tremendous finish. There are direct tie ins to both The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi along with nods to the other animated series and movies in the Saga.

The show also has a level of depth beyond what you would expect from a show targeting kids. It addresses issues like genocide, torture, and you see first hand one of the main characters being manipulated by a bad guy. Justin Ridge, Brandon Auman, and Athena Portillo (the executive producers) do an excellent job covering topics like these in a way kids can understand them while keeping the show light-hearted through some slap stick comedy.

Another awesome thing about this show was the voice cast. Lucasfilm has always struck goal when casting their animated shows and Resistance was no different. Lead by Christopher Sean (voice of Kaz), the cast came together and their passion for the project quickly showed. There wasn't a single one of them who were on social media who were not interactive with the fans.

One of my favorite aspects of the show has been the animation. Led by Amy Beth Christenson and Keith Kellogg, the animation team delivered cinematic level artwork each week. It was truly incredible some of the scenes they animated. Whether it was something as simple as the oceans of the water planet Castilon, or something complex like the Colossus trying to escape the First Order who found them hiding in a gas giant, they never missed a beat. The animation department is the unsung heroes of this show.

It was a show I enjoyed watching with Averie, my youngest daughter. I'm not the only one. I have had people writing into our podcast who have told us time and time again how they sit down each with their kids and watch the new episode of Resistance. Its a show that brought families together.

Unfortunately it all ends today. Two seasons doesn't seem long enough for a series like this but, thanks to Disney+, it will live on and those who haven't had a chance to watch the show in its entirety will be able to soon enough. Season one is already on Disney+ and I expect season two to follow soon now that the series is over. Star Wars animation is far from over. The final season of The Clone Wars is coming out on February 21st. I'm sure there will be more to come. I don't subscribe to the rumor mill but people keep telling me that they are seeing rumors that another animated show is coming. I'm sure there is something in the works. We shall see. I wait until I hear something from Disney and/or Lucasfilm as to whats next. What does this mean for my podcast, Resistance Reactions? Well, you'll have to listen to our review of the finale and find out.

For now I'm going to end this but I have to say one more thing before I go. To Justin Ridge, Brandon Auman, Athena Portillo, and all the cast and crew of Star Wars Resistance who are too numerous to name, I just simply want to say thank you. All of your hard work has been appreciated.

Until next time,

Live long and prosper,

May the Force be with you,

And may God bless you richly.


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