Christmas and Baby Yoda

One of the most popular things right now is the Child from the show The Mandalorian on Disney+. The Child, more commonly known as Baby Yoda, has generated a huge turn out for the show and has become one of the most popular icons around right. I mean, look how cute he is, are you surprised?

The Child has generated a ton of hype, from memes, to homemade collectibles, to a mad merchandising rush. I admit, I have pre-ordered some of the Child stuff that's coming out. The demand for the Child is, in my opinion, unprecedented for Star Wars. The Child seems to be the one thing that both sides of the divided fan base can agree upon.

Then the other morning, I was reading my Christmas devotional. The whole focus of the devotion I'm reading is about the joy of Christmas. The joy that Mary felt being picked to mother the Son of God. The joy of Elizabeth and Zacharias as they were having John the Baptist. The joy of the shepherds who were told of the Messiah's birth by a host of angels praising the Lord. The joy of the wise men from afar, who traveled following a star to see the new born king.

This particular day, the devotion was discussing the wise men who came from afar. It was focusing in on Matthew 2:10, which says, "When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy."

"they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy."

These wise men, also called the three kings, came from a far and when they arrived, were overjoyed to be with the baby. They fell to their faces and worshiped the new born King and bestowed on him gifts fit for a king.

Then it hit me.

Why are we, as believers going into Christmas, not has hyped and excited for the birth of our Savior as the world is for the fictional character of Baby Yoda? Are we as anxious to celebrate the birth of our Lord as the world is anxiously awaiting the season finale of The Mandalorian to find out what happens to Baby Yoda?

I know I am guilty of this.

So ask yourself, as we are just days away from Christmas, are you focused on the correct child? Are you focused on the Reason for the Season?

Think about it.

Merry Christmas everyone.

Live long and prosper,
May the Force be with you,
and more importantly, may God bless you.


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