My Top 5 John Williams Musical Compositions

Yesterday was the 87th birthday of one of the greatest composers of the modern era, the great maestro John Williams. To celebrate the man who wrote the music that defined my youth, I thought I would share my favorite Williams compositions with you to enjoy. And yes, I honestly mean his music defined my youth. The soundtracks composed by John Williams have been my go to music for all occasions for at least the last 2 decades. Maestro John Williams I am far from a musical scholar so I won't try to bore you with details of the artistry that Williams infused in each piece of music. If you are looking for that, may I recommend a podcast called The Soundtrack Show hosted by David Collins . He takes an in-depth look at the composers and music from movies soundtracks. I highly recommend it. Now lets check out my top 5. First up is a piece called "Cadillac of the Skies". It is from the 1987 movie Empire of the Sun . This is a movie set in World War 2 about a young ...