Major Harris Family News

Shannon and I have been discussing how to make this news public. We have been sitting on it for a while, not saying anything on social media. Some family and friends already know what has been been going on in our lives over the last several months, and once you read this you will understand why my presence on Twitter, Facebook, and even blogging here has been sporadic at best.

Lets start at the beginning.  For several years now, Shannon and I have been attempting to grow our family. We definitely didn't want Kailynn to be an only child and she has requested of us and of Santa each year to get her a baby sister. Yet, after many frustrating years, thousands of dollars spent, and a lot of praying, nothing. Only thing Shannon's doctor could do was refer us to an infertility specialist who wouldn't be covered under insurance. So we were pretty bummed. The thought of not having another baby was quite devastating to say the least. So about a year ago we started discussing other options, mainly adoption.

This is what we were dealing with back in November of 2013 when Shannon received a phone call. It was unsolicited and definitely unexpected. It was from Guardian Ad Litem, and they said our names were suggested to foster a little girl, who we will call Lil Bit.. They wanted a decision, yet I was at work and Shannon told them she would need to talk to me first. They were suppose to call us back in a day or two, but we never heard a word from them.

Time went on and we forgot about the call. Just spent the time enjoying the blessing we had in Kailynn. It wasn't until around spring break Shannon and I started talking adoption again. It was during Shannon and Kailynn's time off during spring break, March 27th to be exact,  that they went to a strawberry field and picked WAY TOO many strawberries. Enough that they took the extra to the Florida Baptist Children's Home and donated them. While there Shannon inquired into costs of adopting a baby and signed up for information. They workers there told her its $15,000 to adopt an infant. Jokingly, Shannon told them since we can't afford that we would need a baby to just be dropped off on our doorstep. She no more than walked out the door after making that statement when her phone rang. She ignored it since she was carrying a bunch of strawberries to the donation location. When she finally listened to the voicemail left she was shocked to hear it was a case worker about fostering.

We couldn't believe how quick the call came  considering it hadn't been 3 minutes since she filled out the form requesting information. Shannon called the case worker back and that call started us on a crazy journey. The worker wasn't from Florida Baptist Children's Home, but from another agency. She was calling to see if we would be interested in fostering Lil Bit.  We were floored. We took this as a sign from God that He was doing something. That was the second time we got a call about the same little girl. So we agreed to meet with the social worker and meet the girl in question. She is 2.5 years old and has been in the system for quite some time now. Her and Kailynn hit it right off and things started falling into place.  Much like Little Bit, everything we needed for her literally fell into our seats, crib, dresser, clothing and more.

On June 28th, after all the paperwork and home study was complete, we picked Little Bit up and brought her home.  She fits right in and we are so blessed to have her in our lives. Kailynn loves being a big sister and everyone that has met her so far loves her.  We aren't allowed to post pictures of her on any social media sites. So unless you bump into us at church, the store or Disney, you might not see her. You may see pics like this one where we cover her face.

Lil Bit, Me, and Kailynn

We don't know where this will lead or how long Lil Bit will be with us. God put her with us for a reason and we plan on enjoying every moment we have with her. We have already taken her for her first trip to Disney and she loves to swim. Her favorite character is Minnie Mouse and she loves watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

We do ask that you keep us and Lil Bit in prayer.  We don't know how long we will have her but we hope to have a positive impact on her life for the time we do.

Thank you all.  God bless.


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