Daddy/Daughter Date Night

So my geek out blogs are usually about geek things: Star Wars, Star Trek, even a recent one was about Muppet Babies. I had every intention to sitting down and writing a blog about the wonders of the Star Wars community of fans....but after tonight, that has been placed on hold. Oh I'll write it eventually, but something happened tonight that made my day, my week, and my month.

I'm talking about a date. Oh yes, I had a date. This was a special date too. I was able to spend the evening with my precious 6 year old daughter Kailynn. What an evening it was!!!! My wife went out for a girls night with a friend, so Kailynn and I went and had a wonderful dinner at Pizza Hut. She was so excited, cause she got to use a free pizza coupon she earned at school for reading some books (she has 2 more on the fridge, she LOVES reading). While we waited on the pizza, we played Hungry Hungry Hippo on my cellphone. We followed it up with ice cream at Dairy Queen and then we came home. Once we got back, we played (and I lost) a game of Mouse Trap. Then we wrapped up our evening with her nightly Bible story then I tucked her into bed and she passed out.

It was truly the best night I have spent in 2014!

Some of my fondest memories are of our daddy/daughter dates. There was the day spent at Disney, just her and I. Disney on Ice one night. Several McDonald's and movie nights at home. Trips to local parks as well as trips to Chuck E Cheese.

They are great times we have. I missed a lot of her as a baby and toddler due to work, and she noticed it. It made it hard to go to work when she looked at me and asked me why I had to work all the time. Now I have a more family convenient schedule with work, and we get to do a lot more as a family. From hanging out around the house, to heading to Bush Gardens, or Disney; we get to do it together. Its the best feeling in the world when I get to go to bed dog tired cause Kailynn has wore me out after a long day of activities. But I wouldn't trade these times for anything in the world.

These date nights don't happen as often as I like, but I look forward to each one. She is growing up too fast, and I don't want to miss any more of it. I highly recommend to all Daddy's out there, have a date night with your daughters,  have a night on the town with your sons. The more you spend time with them now, the less time you will have to regret not taking the time when you could. They will look at you in a different light, and it will make a bigger impact on their developing lives.

Kailynn and I

Live long and prosper,

May the Force be with you.

And God bless you all richly!!!


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