

Yes, I know I a little late on this, but the end of 2013 and first few days of 2014 have been a little busy with family in town, even though I did squeeze out a quick Muppet blog on New Year's Eve.

Its 2014 now!

Its has the potential to be a great year for us geeks! A new Muppet movie, new Captain America movie. Star Wars Episode 7 is suppose to begin production, Star Wars Rebels premieres, and the long awaited Clone Wars "Bonus Content" is to be released.

What am I expecting as a geek from 2014??

Well for one I expect news galore about Star Wars Episode 7.  With filming suppose to start in the spring, I expect casting news to start in February starting with the Big 3 (Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher) and continuing up til shooting starts. Once it starts, I expect some promo pics from the sets to hype people up, like Hamill brandishing his lightsaber, Ford in his Solo costume.

Next I expect Star Wars Weekends to be full of Star Wars Rebels! With it being months away from the premiere, I would expect an exclusive trailer, just like Lucasfilm would do for Clone Wars. I expect some of the vocal talent to be on hand as part of their autograph guest list. I'm hoping Disney will bring back James Arnold Taylor as host. I have met the man twice, one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet, and one of the people responsible for rekindling my fandom (that's a story for a different blog).

I also expect to hear some news of the third installment of the Star Trek reboot. Yes, I'm a Star Trek fan too and am looking forward to seeing what's next. I'm not sure what I want to see story wise, but am excited there will be another.

Now what am I looking forward to in 2014?????

Besides the a fore mentioned items, I'm looking forward to new waves of the 6 inch line of Hasbro's Star Wars Black Series.  I know wave 3 is coming, with Bespin outfit Luke Skywalker, Revenge of the Sith Obi-Wan Kenobi, and an Imperial Stormtrooper. Can't wait to get my hands on those.

I'm looking forward to seeing where the Lightning end up this season. They are setting franchise records during the first part of the season and without star Steven Stamkos too, who tragically broke his leg during a game early in the season. I would love to see Tampa Bay bring home the Stanley Cup again.

I'm looking forward to what will hopefully a better season of Redskins football. I died a little every Sunday over the last 18 weeks. Hopefully the next season will be better. It can't get much worse than only winning 3 games, although, I would gladly lose every other game of the season as long as we beat Dallas both times.

I'm looking forward to spending time at Disney, not just for Star Wars Weekends with Robbie, but throughout the rest of the year with my family as well. We were blessed enough to get some annual passes 3 years ago and we have loved them since. Best investment (and they are an investment) we make each year. Love the quick trips too, when I get home from work on a Friday evening, and spur of the moment we rush to the Magic Kingdom to watch some fireworks and catch a few rides. Its nice not being rushed to get as many rides in as possible when you can go when ever you want.

I'm looking forward to a great year of podcast listening! With all that's going on, I need to get my geek news somewhere and I have found a great line up of podcasts to fill that need. For all the latest Star Wars news and gossip, check out Coffee With Kenobi (www.coffeewithkenobi.com), Rebel Force Radio (www.rebelforceradio.com), The Cantina Cast (www.facebook.com/TheCantinaCast), and The Forcecast (www.forcecast.net). For the latest on your favorite archaeologist, check out the IndyCast (www.theindycast.com). To keep me update on all things DC and Marvel, Geek Out Loud! is my choice (www.geekoutpodcast.com). Now as for Star Trek, I have yet to find a podcast that I enjoy and keeps me engaged, entertained and informed like the above mentioned podcasts, but if I find one I'll let ya know. I may have to go start my own if I can't find one.

Right now...I'm also looking forward to tomorrow night, watching the Florida State Seminoles battle it out with the Auburn Tigers for the BCS National Championship. This has been a long time coming for us Seminole fans and I know we could all use new Auburn throw rugs to wipe our dirty shoes on. (j/k Nan, Lee, Dana, Brandon, and Jackie. Love you all, even though you're Auburn fans!)

That's it for now everyone. I'm gonna go continue watching Return of the Jedi on Spike TV (I love their frequent Star Wars marathons). I pray health, safety and blessings to you all in 2014!

Live long and prosper,

May the Force be with you,

and may God bless you all!


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