Family Geek Out

So other than the Wars and other sci-fi franchises I geek out on, the most important part of my like I geek out on the most is my family, and today was geek out day, family style! Now the only way Star Wars played a part in my day was my shirt: Darth Vader standing all regal surrounded by several stormtroopers, with Chewbacca photo bombing behind them, with a big red foam finger that reads "Rebels #1". The geek out was a full day spent with my princess, my 6 year old Kailynn. Yes, I know it's a Monday, but it was a teacher work day so she had the day off. So we spent the day together.

First we went to Chuck E Cheese, and boy did we hit the jackpot. I will tell you a secret. If you get there when they open and have just turned on the games, the games cycle through and spit out anywhere from 1 to 25 tickets and the employees just leave them there! So before dropping a single cent, Kailynn started off with about 150 tickets. After about 2 hours, she totaled out with 420 tickets she redeemed for stuff I could have grabbed out of the Target $1 bins and had a lot cooler stuff, but she was excited and so happy! She got to pick something off the wall instead of the display case, and that made her day. "I have never picked off the wall before!" She exclaimed multiple times all the way to the car. 

Then it was off to Toys R Us, where we checked out the new Disney Infinity game, and she showed me a baby doll she wants for Christmas. Then she drooled all over the art supplies and I purchased a Sofia the First Crayola Color Wonder kit for her. She loves to draw and color so much. She is my little artist. Of course, I admit, I did sneak a peak at the Star Wars aisle and checked out the new 3 3/4 inch Black Series figures as well as the Lego Star Wars sets. Yes, I beat temptation and walked out with nothing but the Color Wonder set for Kailynn. The Force was strong with me today.

After leaving Toys R Us, it was off to Lake Parker Park, where we collected sticks, hit the swings, and Kailynn made a new friend who she played with for a while. 

Then home. By far one of the best daddy/daughter days ever! Wish they happened more often. I'll have to make it a point that they do!

Until next time,

LLAP and may the Force be with you all.

More important than that, may God bless you all richly!!!!


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